Some Living Spaces...

This is an example of a sleeping space that has been set up. At the moment there are 20 to 25 people sleeping in the space on a regular basis. We've brought in and had donations of mattresses and sleeping gear like sheets and pillows and blankets and it's getting very cosy and home like.

This is our kitchen! Since this photo was taking we've had heaps of food donations and been dumpstering to fill it up with more yummies. We've already had two community dinners since moving into the space, one on Saturday and a smaller one on Monday. We have some big pots and lots of plate and cups and everyone pitches in to help prepare and cook the food and clean up afterwards.

Thank you so much to everyone who has dropped off food or supplies for us! We hope to see you all at future community events. Every Monday night there will probably be a big dinner so it is a good time to drop in...

1 comment:

Cate Lawrence said...

I'd be happy to donate some crafty bits and pieces towards the cause...maybe as a door prize or something at an event? Let me know what suits.