SHAC goes to court.

On Thursday the occupiers of SHAC were served with notice that the University has gone to the Supreme Court to 'recover the land' at 272-278 Faraday Streed (under Order 53).

The hearing will take place on Monday morning.

Please come to a protest out the front of the court from 9.30 am. The hearing starts at 10.30am if you want come into the court.

Bring banners, placards and colour!

SHAC will be seeking an adjournment of this hearing so there is a chance it will be delayed. The protest will go ahead regardless.

Deadlines, deadlines, deadlines...

Today Melbourne University effectively stalemated any negotiation efforts between SHAC and the Uni by sticking to the deadline of 5pm. So we are again in the situation of the negotiations being stalled by repeated eviction notices with 24-hour deadlines.

The University did not give us adequate time to respond to their offer. Last week they delivered a letter that showed their intention to engage with SHAC and gave us 24 hours to respond. We did so (within the allotted time frame). Then they then provided us with a draft proposition on Tuesday night. We had a meeting with Adrian Burrage – from the University – on Wednesday and discussed amendments. We were then provided with an updated proposal at 2pm this afternoon, which went to the SHAC collective for discussion. A few hours’ later security guards showed up to assist us in vacating!

Thus SHAC have, in effect, been forced to reject the deal as it stands.

Our hope has always been to work WITH the Uni rather than against them. Part of this is both SHAC and the Uni having an input into the way forward, discussing options and ideas, compromising. We want to find a solution that benefits low income students but that is also feasible for the University - though we do believe SHAC is both these things.

SHAC holds reservations about elements of the proposal as it stands and we want to discuss these concerns and find answers that all involved feel comfortable with. If the University stopped insisting on announcing eviction orders we might be able to advance the negotiations rather than be constantly caught in stand-offs over property. We have agreed to vacate the property when a mutually satisfactory proposal is settled upon. We feel this is a sign of good faith by SHAC and displays our readiness to compromise. Yet they still insist on these eviction orders!!! If they only resisted this urge we really could arrive at a resolution far more quickly…

We are disappointed that what had appeared to be an willingness by the Uni to engage was really just a sneaky attempt to shut us up - as shown by the enforcing of the deadline and the reluctance to continue with the necessary negotiations.

As such we're taking a stand and refusing to hand in our keys until they come back to the discussion table ready to work with us.

Unfortunately this means we now (again) are in an eviction situation. We have assurances that police and security will not be coming tonight but please be on alert, we may need to call on you to come to SHAC at very short notice.

If you want to help defend SHAC from eviction you are welcome to come sleep over in our dorms (please bring your own bedding - we have some mats but a pillow and sleeping bag would be a good idea.)

No Freeway 4 West Footscray

We got this note on the SHAC facebook group from Natalie. Thought I would pop it up here!

The SHAC campaign has been inspiring to many activists including me. Forced evictions are inhumane, especially in the current economic climate. You may be aware of another campaign that has blown up this week; the campaign against compulsory acquisitions of people's homes in West Footscray in order to build a tunnel and truck route.

The details of our meeting are:

Hyde St Footscray (Next to Maribyrnong Council)

We would love all our supporters to help us make this meeting a success.

No More Roads! No Compulsory Acquisitions!


No Freeway 4 West Footscray

Good News!

The university now wants to negotiate and will not forcibly SHAC today as planned!

We still need your support - it's the reason SHAC is still going - and will keep you updated.

Don't forget we're still an open house for people to drop by! So come have a meal or come to a meeting and add your voice to the campaign!

This is really exciting stuff everyone! If we can negotiate in a positive manner with the University it will mean that there is a house available for 25 previously homeless students! Plus it will put us in a position to work with the Uni in the future to set up more student run housing co-operative in larger or different spaces.

We think student run/student used housing co-operatives are by far the best way for housing to be provided to students, particularly those of a low income or who were previously homeless. It empowers them to take an interest and pride in their living space, builds community and support networks and also results in the learning and sharing of new skills and abilities. It means the University doesn't have to take on more administration whilst supporting homeless students and cuts out the landlord/tenant hierarchy - which means more people feel empowered and involved in their community and lives.

The University has lots of empty buildings around the place that could be renovated into housing and if not we always have the support of outside organisations and the community to find buildings in the outer suburbs that could be converted. I mention this because I think some people think we just want to live in trendy Carlton. NO! We're not that attached to a latte on Lygon Street! We're only in the building because it is owned by Melbourne Uni and we wanted to make sure they were paying attention. Plus we thought it was pretty interesting that Glyn Davis - the vice chancellor - was talking about homeless students when Melbourne Uni had empty buildings (and this one had been empty for three years with no plans for it).

Thanks again to everyone for all the support they are showing us - we really appreciate it!

Final Eviction Notice

After our highly successful rally and continued community support and solidarity, SHAC has now received a final eviction notice.

The University has stated that SHAC must vacate by 5PM tomorrow, Wednesday 3rd December, or action will be taken to vacate the property.

Come down tomorrow at 4PM for a free dinner out the front of SHAC to show your support!

For those who are keen to stay around, SHAC will be holding a collective meeting and then a slumber party after dinner.

Spread the word, come enjoy a free meal and support affordable student housing!