This is a call out for submissions to a SHAC ZINE documenting the first four marvelous months of the co-op!

Want to be a part of it? Get amongst it.

We're looking for articles and writing, pictures and illustrations, arts and your creativity on:
  • DIY - Stuff we've done around SHAC, skills you've learnt or taught, useful bits and bobs.
  • How To - Renovations on the cheap and simple, tools and materials you used? How you did it?
  • Personal Stories - About your experience or details on what went on, what happened, different parts of the actions (we want lots of different perspectives!)
  • Politics of Squatting.
  • Recipes of some of the tastes of SHAC - what you've eaten or cooked there (or think should be eaten or cooked there!)
  • Poetry and the such.
  • Photos/Illustrations/Art.
  • History and Timeline of SHAC.
  • ANYTHING else to do with SHAC you want to write/draw/make that can be photocopied.

28th of November is the close for submissions.

If it's hand-drawn/written drop it into the zine box in the reception of SHAC or email it to

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