
Activists at SHAC have been doing an amazing job of doing something a wittle boring, a wittle icky… namely, bureaucratic activism! Hurrah! We prepared a comprehensive document to take to University Council on the 20th of October. Unfortunately someone objected to our paper being tabled. After anxious nights spent carefully translating everything we wished to say into unimelb-bureaucratic-language (think newspeak with grandiose metaphors) we were heartbroken. Luckily we managed to distribute our report amongst council members anyway and the wonderful student representatives on council were able to generate discussion around it.

In a nutshell the report contained a concrete proposal for the feasibility of a low-cost student housing co-operative at 272-278 Faraday St, Carlton. There were building renovation costings, financial models, co-operative social models, proposed income sources, examples of the co-op model operating overseas and locally… In short, we are very bloody serious and the whole project is very, very possible.

But wait this story of wrangling in the posher corridors of Unimelb has another twist (sorry I’m trying to make it as interesting as possible). There was also a report presented under the auspices of the Vice-Chancellor which threatened to de-rail SHAC. Luckily our glorious student reps were able to twist and turn and spice up the VC’s report.

The following motions resulted:

1. A statement of support for student groups seeking to develop student housing co-operatives that are directed towards the needs of low-income students unable to secure housing. (Hopefully this means that they support SHAC…)

2. Introduction of a one-off grant scheme to encourage the establishment of student co-operatives. (In the grand tradition of creating grants that will never be applied for. They are talking to the tune of $3000-5000. not really anything if you haven’t got a building.)

3. Extension of student housing services operation to incorporate advice and information on requirements for the establishment of student housing co-operatives.

4. An examination led by the Vice-principal of Property and Campus Services, the Student Housing Services and interested students into steps the University might take into securing forms of social housing in Northern Melbourne. (Yep, that’s the goodun.)

So we're hoping this fourth motion means a chance for SHAC representatives to further our proposal to convert Faraday St into an affordable housing co-operative.

Stay tuned...


Sign Here!

Just in case you haven't already signed it here is the link to the petition. The more people that sign it the better! It only takes half a minute!

A Very Special Play With Your Food...

Come to SHAC on Monday and enjoy not only a free spread of amazing vegan and vegetarian food and the vibrant atmosphere of SHAC, but hear a report back from University Council and participate in a discussion about the future of SHAC and the different ways that you can be involved.

The Student Housing Action Cooperative (SHAC) are a group of students who have formed together to take action on student housing affordability. As a direct response to the lack of affordable student housing we are currently occupying four double story terrace buildings that have been vacant for three years. The property - situated at 272-8 Faraday Street, Carlton - is owned by Melbourne Uni and we are in negotiations with them to have it turned into a student run housing co-operative.

The success of the SHAC campaign is dependent on the involvement of as many people as possible. On Monday there will be a special info session after Play With Your Food for people looking to get more involved in SHAC, as we cannot stay fresh and vibrant without you! We will also hear a report back about the University's pivotal decision on the use of 272-8 Faraday St and strategise the future of SHAC. Come and inject some much needed fresh blood into the SHAC campaign!

Where: 278 Faraday St Carlton (SHAC).
When: Monday 20th October, cooking from 5:30 and serving from 7pm.

See you there!

Your Support Right Now

Because of the high profile of the articles published in The Age and due to the fact that a University Council meeting is coming up in the next week we are feeling the heat down at SHAC. It would be really wonderful if as many people as possible could be coming down to SHAC in the day and in the evening and also super wonderful if people could come along and camp out (in super comfortable bedding of course) just so we can all feel a bit more secure should the University decide to call the police on us in the middle of the night. The more people there are around the harder it will be for the University to remove us - which we hope they won't be doing!

News Coverage

Yesterday The Age published an article about SHAC in print and two appeared online - with a main page display, photo and tagline. This is great coverage for SHAC and we're excited about what we hope will be heaps more support as result.
Take a look online here:

Diddly Squat

and here:

Carlton uni squat talks stall